Floral Symphony: Pieced and Appliqued Flower Designs
Floral Symphony: Pieced and Appliqued Flower Designs by Donna Wilder. This Floral Symphony book will guide you in creating a 56″ by 72″ quilt. The Floral Symphony book features a materials needed list, general instructions, paper piecing templates, and three bonus patterns. This 32-page book guides you in making the Sunflower, Jacobean Applique Tree, Log Cabin Tulips, Crazy Quilt Lilies, a Basket, Hawaiian Foliage, Flower Garden, Pomegranate, Pansy, Stained Glass Butterfly, Medallion Flower, and Rose Basket blocks. The three bonus patterns include a Pansy Stained Glass Banner, Sunshine Doll Quilt, and a Sunflower Wall Hanging.
Additional Supplies:
Batting (Twin Size)
Paper-backed Fusible Webbing
Clear Quilting Thread
Template Plastic
Freezer Paper