Folk Art Patchwork & Applique Quilt Book
Folk Art A Sampler of Patchwork and Applique by Donna Wilder. This 32-page paperback includes full instructions for making a 56in by 72in quilt; which is a little smaller than a twin size quilt. A full list of supplies, images, paper piecing templates, and three bonus patterns are also included. The Folk Art quilt features 12 unique blocks with borders. The 12 included blocks are Bear Paw, Folk Art Flowers, Schoolhouse, Hex Sign, Log Cabin Hearts, Apples and Pears, Tulip Basket, Calico Cat, Amish Star, Tool of the Trade (sewing tools), Birds in Flight, and Bluebird Distelfink. The three bonus patterns include a Heart and Home Wall Hanging, a Calico Cat Pillow, and a Bridal Memory Book.
Additional Supplies:
Batting (Twin Size)
Embroidery Floss
Paper-backed Fusible Webbing
Clear Quilting Thread
Template Plastic
Freezer Paper